Tuesday, July 12, 2005

lovin' Lolita

Ok, I've got to admit, I felt some sympathy for poor 'ol Humbert Humbert. I'm almost done with reading Nabokov's Lolita, (two pages left for crying out loud!) and the novel is hysterically sad -- you may ask, "is there such a thing?" -- but try reading a novel about a delusional pedophile who goes to extraordinary lengths to get the girl of his dreams (albeit a 12-year old) and you, too, may want to laugh and cry. The obvious problem with this is that Humbert is a pedophile, so why would you feel sympathy for him? But he narrates the story with such obvious desire and this crazy sense of self-importance, not even realizing Lolita's a person, not in any conscious way, that you only feel sorry for him. Must find a copy of the movie and see how someone else visualizes the story.

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