Thursday, October 25, 2007

Susan Faludi's new book

New book by Susan Faludi on how 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are changing (and, she claims, not for the better) women's roles. What is especially interesting is Faludi's premise that it is affecting not just women in the military, but all of American women.
clipped from

It is worth asking, then, what effect our current wars are having on the condition of women. Has the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan marked another milestone on the road to equality? Or is the war on terror, which remains a metaphor rather than an all-out mobilization, too different from past wars to make much difference in American society? Few writers are better entitled to answer these questions than Susan Faludi, the author of "Backlash" and "Stiffed," and one of the strongest feminist voices of her generation.

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